Major Spotlight: Economics
Many students coming into Barnard are curious about the economics program. It is one of the most common majors, with about 12% of graduates in 2023 earning a degree in economics.
As a senior graduating from Barnard this fall, I have explored many aspects of the economics program and recognize the versatile opportunities it offers. The economics department isn’t just for those looking to work in financial services; it provides a lens through which you can study human rights, political science, computer science, psychology, and more. This interdisciplinary focus makes the major appealing to a wide range of students.
The economics department offers five major tracks and a minor:
Economics (Economics Track)
Economics (Political Economy Track)
Economics and Mathematics
Economic and Social History
Minor in Economics
Each program requires foundational courses in economics, such as Introduction to Economic Reasoning, Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, and Theoretical Foundations of Political Economy. These classes equip students with the skills and theoretical knowledge needed for further study. From there, the major tracks diverge with specific quantitative or applied elective requirements tailored to different interests.
For combined majors, like Economics and Mathematics or Economics-Statistics, the focus lies on applying economics within the second discipline. Think of these as interdisciplinary tracks with slightly fewer requirements than a double major and a shared senior capstone.
I chose the Economics and Mathematics track with the initial intention of pursuing the 4+1 Bachelor/Master’s program in Economics and Operations Research. Although I decided not to pursue the program, I continued with the track, as it helped me develop advanced math and data analysis skills.
These classes better prepared me for upper-level electives like Corporate Finance, Developmental Economics, and Intermediate Game Theory. Professors conducting their own research often teach interdisciplinary electives that align with their work. For example, Professor Donald Davis teaches the course Economics of NYC. This course focuses on the field of urban economics and is intertwined with his own research findings. The course is designed such that students can connect the concepts learnt with their environment here in NYC! Professors are enthusiastic to share their knowledge with students, making learning enjoyable.
Additionally, students can take Columbia University’s equivalent courses to fulfill most requirements. If large lectures (150+ students) are your preference, you can take courses at Columbia, offering a contrasting experience to Barnard’s smaller, focused classes.
Beyond Barnard is a comprehensive resource for career development, providing excellent opportunities for students in the Economics department. Beyond Barnard connects students to internships, fellowships, and research opportunities. One highlight program is the Finance Focus series, where students can attend panels, recruiting events, site visits, and more—perfect for those interested in financial services or consulting. Thanks to these resources, I completed an internship in economic valuation services at KPMG during my junior year and worked as a research assistant for three years with Professor Anja Benshaul-Tolonen.
Studying economics opens the door to diverse opportunities. My classmates are now working in various fields such as non-profit asset management, public policy, and human rights organizations. Others are pursuing advanced degrees in law, international relations, finance, and commerce. The Economics department encourages interdisciplinary study and Beyond Barnard provides professional development resources for students with these interests as well.
FAQs About the Economics Major
Can I combine economics with another major?
Economics pairs well with almost any discipline, from political science to art history. The flexibility of the major allows for interdisciplinary exploration and is encouraged. Many faculty members of the department conduct interdisciplinary research and are a great resource and example for those looking to follow in the same path.
Can I study abroad as an economics major?
Many students fulfill major requirements while studying abroad, gaining a global perspective on economics. There are programs across the globe such as at CASA Santiago in Chile, DIS Copenhagen in Denmark, CIEE Cape Town in South Africa, and London School of Economics in the UK. The full list of programs can be found here.
Are there research opportunities in the department?
Yes. Many professors are actively conducting research and welcome student assistants. Topics range from urban economics to global development. Students can get involved by reaching out to professors or going through the Summer Research Institute program or the Laidlaw Scholars program. Both of these programs provide paid summer internships conducting research with a Barnard professor and accept students from the Economics department.
Can I get a job with an Economics degree?
Yes! One of the benefits of being in NYC is the plethora of internship and full-time work opportunities available in almost every discipline and function. Beyond Barnard offers awesome programs and resources for students to learn more and get connected to employers. Information about Beyond Barnard can be found on their website here.
Do I have to take a lot of math classes with an Economics degree?
Absolutely not! A lot of students are hesitant about the economics major due to quantitative requirements, but Barnard offers a course called Math Methods for Economics that covers the basic math needed for economics. Most economic courses will not require mathematical study past Calculus I and basic statistics. Anyone can do it!
Final Thoughts
The economics major at Barnard provides a robust foundation for a variety of career paths and academic pursuits. Its interdisciplinary nature allows students to tailor their experience to their interests while developing critical analytical skills. Whether you choose a traditional economics track or a combined major, the program’s flexibility ensures you’re prepared for whatever path you decide to take.
I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunities I’ve had as part of the Barnard economics department. From internships to inspiring professors, this program has shaped the way I think and approach the world. For students considering economics, I highly recommend taking a few introductory courses to see how the major might align with your interests. You might just find your passion here, as I did.
The Columbia Daily Spectator has highlighted an article recently about Economics at Barnard here.
Find more information about the Economics degree on the department website here!