Exploring Barnard & Columbia
When I first visited Barnard, I was perplexed by the college’s relationship with Columbia University. The idea of having Barnard’s small, cozy campus with our community of less than 4,000 students, while also having access to Columbia’s larger campus was something I never knew was a possibility in an undergraduate college experience. However, it wasn’t until I moved into my first-year dorm in Sulzberger hall and attended my very first college walk tree lighting experience that I fully understood how special the Barnard & Columbia relationship truly is.
As a Barnard student, we have access to all of Columbia’s dining halls, libraries, courses, clubs, and of course, the beautiful campus that will soon start blooming with flowers. Before attending my first tree lighting ceremony, my friends and I went to dinner at John Jay. This dining hall was hands down my favorite my first year as a Barnard student. I loved how no matter what time a day you went, you could always count on seeing someone you know. Or, for example, on winter Sundays when Butler library is the only place where you can focus, John Jay is a staple for a mid-study break meal. As the Barnard and Columbia community geared up for the annual tree lighting ceremony, grabbing hot chocolate and even free merch, I finally understood the Barnard/Columbia relationship.
Seeing the whole community gather in one common walking path made me realize how powerful it is to have a tight-knit community amongst the larger Columbia community. We may have separate housing, and application portals, but every tradition like the tree lighting ceremony is a reminder of the power of this larger community. The sight of people taking selfies with their friends, counting down until the lights come on, and finally, cheering for the freshly-lit college walk, was a perfect demonstration of the Barnard & Columbia relationship.
Academically and professionally, I have greatly benefited from Barnard’s connection with Columbia. It has allowed me to meet people from my major across both colleges, and form relationships with Columbia professors. This also extends to the plethora of clubs across both schools that Barnard students have access to. I serve as a lead coordinator for Mentoring Youth NYC, an organization partnering with a public high school in Harlem to provide mentorship and college counseling assistance. This club is under Community Impact at Columbia, connecting our community with the Morningside Heights, Harlem, and Washington Heights communities. This club has been a pivotal experience in my academic journey, and it was something I didn’t even know was possible until Columbia’s club fair I attended my first week of college.
The Barnard and Columbia relationship is extremely important for both communities, and we are able to share each other’s resources, forge diverse academic and social relationships, and most importantly, ground ourselves in the fact that we are a community filled with passionate, motivated, and kind students who are always there for each other, whether you go to Barnard, Columbia College, or SEAS. I am so grateful for the Barnard & Columbia relationship, and it is something I hope everyone feels for themselves at some point in their first semester of college.