
Unafraid at Barnard

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Self-Care for Barnard Students

If you talk to any Barnard student, you’ll be shocked at how much they’re doing at any given moment. It’s not uncommon for Barnard students to take a full course load, participate in multiple extracurriculars, work a part-time job, and develop a passion project. But finding the balance of all of these things can be challenging. Some semesters left me feeling burnt out because I neglected to make time for self-care. I’ve since learned that it's important to prioritize your health (mental and physical) so that you can thrive in and outside of the classroom. Here are my 8 top self-care tips as a Barnard student! 

  1. Attend a FitBear class. Fitbear classes are free for all Barnard students and a great way to unwind after a long day of classes. They offer yoga, barre, kickboxing, and more! There are also plenty of workout studios in the Morningside Heights/Harlem Area! I love UpDog Yoga Studio on 145th Street– they offer yoga and pilates classes (with a student discount).

  2.  Make time to see friends. It can be difficult to balance school work and social time, but spending time with people you love is an essential form of self-care. Even if it's just grabbing coffee for a quick study break, seeing friends is a great way to ensure I don’t get too bogged down with work. I love meeting my friends for meals in the middle of study sessions or camping out in the library together for moral support.

  3. Take a walk in the park. One of my favorite things about campus is its proximity to multiple parks! Riverside Park, Morningside Park, Sakura Park, and Central Park are all within walking distance. I’ve probably spent upwards of 50 hours walking or going on runs in Riverside. There’s nothing more relaxing than laying in the grass, basking in the sun, or taking a stroll by the Hudson River.  

  4. Schedule in naps/rest time. I’m a huge advocate for taking a power nap in the middle of the day. Even though you might feel pressure to be productive all the time, sometimes the most productive thing you can do is rest. If you aren’t a napper, spend 30 minutes lying in bed, listening to your favorite playlist, or scrolling on Pinterest! 

  5. Explore the city. It’s easy to get caught up in the work of any given semester, but I find that getting out and exploring all that the city has to offer is a great way to put things in perspective. After all,  you wanted to attend college in New York City for a reason. Going to museums (your Barnard ID gets you into most museums around the city for free), trying new coffee shops, or visiting independent bookstores to browse the shelves are some of my favorite forms of self-care. 

  6. Reconnect with your hobbies. You are more than a student!! Remember all of the things you used to do in your free time before you started spending hours in the library? Bring them back. Read a book for fun! Knit a scarf! Volunteer in the community! 

  7. Stop by the Wellness Spot. The Wellness Spot hosts community programming around mental and emotional well-being and holds student-led office hours throughout the week.

  8. Schedule a session with Furman Counseling. Mental health is so important! Not everything can be solved with a power nap or a walk in the park. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or additional support– the Furman staff is fantastic and there to ensure you are happy and healthy during your time at Barnard. In addition to individual counseling sessions, Furman offers group sessions and hosts community events throughout the semester. Sometimes, they even bring in therapy dogs!!
