
Unafraid at Barnard

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Barnard Internships: From Social Work Research to Big Tech

Thinking about a future career can be daunting for some and exciting to others. For you, it might be a little bit of both. While in college, Barnard wants you to appreciate the moments that are unique to these four years. However, throughout this time, we also create our futures. We find what types of studies really interest us and what kind of learners and adults we are. For me, I did not come into Barnard knowing exactly what career I wanted to have––I still don’t! But Barnard offers many services that help students figure out their path inside and outside the classroom. 

Alongside on-campus jobs and activities, many Barnard students venture into internships during the fall and spring semesters and summer. Being in New York City gives us the ultimate access to practically any company during the school year, so internships are not limited to just the summer. Additionally, with Columbia’s numerous graduate schools we have the ability to stay near campus and work in academic internships. 

In my first year I focused more on transitioning to college life. Alongside classes, I did some Barnard Babysitting, tried some clubs and activities, and joined the Office of Admissions as a BSAR (Barnard Student Admissions Representative). My first-year summer I was in my hometown––relaxing and babysitting––like many other first years. In my sophomore year, I wanted to take part in an internship. After many applications and searching, I became a research assistant at a lab at Columbia’s School of Social Work. The lab I worked in studies how Black and Brown youth navigate violence on social media platforms. It has been a great opportunity to see more closely how graduate school functions because I was working alongside Masters and Ph.D. candidates. It was also super convenient because the School of Social Work is right down the street from my 121st dorm! 

At the lab, my research position was unpaid. So I went to Beyond Barnard to try and learn how I could make some money. From Beyond Barnard, I received a grant from their Internship Program. This grant monetarily awards students who are working an unpaid internship either during the school year or summer. It was a great way to still feel financially secure while working at a job that interested me. 

Beyond Barnard is our wonderful office on campus that assists all students and alumnae in their career goals. The staff also assists students in the graduate school application process and full time careers after graduation. Within 6 months of graduation, 90% of Barnard’s class of 2019 was either enrolled in graduate school or working! Beyond Barnard facilitates these amazing outcomes. 

I went to Beyond Barnard this semester as I was interviewing for a summer internship. I worked with a Peer Career Advisor (PCA), who is a Barnard student trained in giving professional advice, whether that be helping create your resume or critiquing your cover letter. I worked with a PCA to do a mock interview and it was incredibly helpful to hear her unbiased opinions and built confidence for the real event. After my work with Beyond Barnard and my interviews, I landed an offer! This summer I will be working at Facebook as a Sales and Advertising Intern. Also, I did this all being a Sociology major. Remember, no major defines your potential careers! Barnard creates an environment where students continuously thrive and look for the next way to change the world. 

Update as of September 2020:
My summer internship came to a close in August and I had an amazing time at Facebook. I was one of 15 women of color in my internship program, and I was so proud to represent Barnard! I was supposed to be in the Austin office, but once turning virtual I did the program from my home in Evanston.

My internship focused on sales and advertising in Facebook’s Global Business Group. We shadowed our manager and learned about consulting and Facebook’s products. My favorite time of the internship was when I got to help program the Instagram Community Organizer Roundtable. I got to showcase my own activism I’ve been doing in Evanston, while also meeting other youth activists from around the country. I felt so prepared for my internship because of the resilience and intelligence of being educated at Barnard. Thank you to Beyond Barnard for their support. One of my favorite moments was when I got the internship offer and I emailed Dean of Beyond Barnard A-J, and he had the most heartfelt response of joy and excitement. I also loved meeting the Barnard alum who currently work at Instagram and Facebook, they always made sure to look after me. The strength of Barnard is strong and I was so happy to keep that going during my internship. And happily, I got an offer back for next summer!
-Maia Robinson

 Maia is a junior from Evanston, IL and studies Sociology and Spanish. On campus, Maia works in the Office of Admissions as a tour guide and as a research assistant at Columbia’s School of Social Work. She plays in Columbia’s Badminton Club, and works in BC/CU Math Mentors.

Maia Robinson