
Unafraid at Barnard

Read through blog posts written by Barnard students about life at Barnard

Interning in NYC

Ah, internships. They were a complete mystery to my my first year and, to be quite honest, still are in many ways. They’re a great way to not only pad your resume, but to test out different jobs and industries while you’re still in school - that is, if you can get them.

Fortunately, Barnard’s reputation, resources, and location in the city make internships fairly accessible. Barnard students and alumnae are full of professional connections, and many internships end up getting passed on each semester from one Barnard student to another. Students can intern during the semester around the city when their schedule allows for it (which is a huge advantage), and in-person interviews for summer positions are just a quick subway ride away.

Barnard has played a huge part in my internship experiences. On campus, I’ve served as the PR/Marketing Intern for InternshipsLive@Barnard Production Company (a student-run group within Career Development that produces videos about Barnard students and alumnae with interesting jobs as well as helpful videos about everything internship-related, from the application process to the job itself). I’ve also been a Barnard Social Media Admissions Representative since my first year and was a Resident Intern at Barnard’s Pre-College Programs. I’ve had amazing learning experiences in these roles that also allowed me to indulge my love for all things Barnard.

These experiences, along with my clubs and extracurriculars, have helped me obtain internships off-campus, too. I’ve interned at HGTV Magazine, Hearst Design Group (which works on ELLE Decor, House Beautiful, and Veranda), a PR firm, and am now interning at Tarte Cosmetics. I found out about most of these internships from Barnard’s Career Development Newsletters and MillieCareers (our job and internship site), which have been extremely helpful resources. And Barnard students have either worked with me, preceded me, or succeeded me in almost all of these position.

The view from Hearst Tower, where I've interned twice

The view from Hearst Tower, where I've interned twice

Even though Barnard is a small college, our personal and professional network is exceptional and always there when you need it. Barnard’s connections and resources have proved themselves time and time again, and I have no doubt that they will follow me throughout my future career!